“Landscape near Mt. Citheron”
Mountain Landscape
Abstract composition
“Still-Life With Drapery #1”
A studio still life, c. 1960, 48 x 72
“View of Florence”, 1962-63, 49 3/4 x 70
“Jugs & Bottles”, 1964, 19 x 24
“Still Life”, 1969, 36 x 45
“View of North Adams #2”, 1969, 40 x 50
“View of North Adams III”, 1969, 45 1/2 x 38
“Still Life #5”, 1970, 40 x 50
Small still life on wooden table, c. 1971, 16 x 20
“Portrait of Linda”
“Portrait of Johanna”
A view of Inwood Park, 1972, 18 x 18
“Berkshire Valley”, 1973, 24 x 30
View of Durian Pahit, 1982, 28 5/8 x 28 5/8
“Kuala Lumpur #3”, 1976, 36 x 28
Still life, 1982, 18 x 18 1/4
Studio still life with Wood Grain, 1982-83, 36 x 28
“Still Life with Order and Chaos”, 1983-84, 28 x 36
“The Cardplayer” (aka “Card Cheat”)
“Murder and Its Consequences”, 1st of 3 panels
“Murder and Its Consequences”, panel 2 of 3
“Murder and Its Consequences”, panel 3 of 3
Study for the Murder in “House of Death and Life”
Study for Chelsea Nude, seated, in “House of Death and Life”
Study of Blanca seated with a cup for “House of Death and Life”
Study for “House of Death and Life”
“The House of Death and Life”
“A view of Lake Como and the Alps”, 1988, 16 x 20
“Family Romance I”
“Brian as Helios”
“Ellen Lying Down”
“Nymph and Satyr II”
“Dance of Death”
“Portrait of Priska”
“Nick Dancing”